Saturday, October 20, 2012

Five Facts About Michelle

5 Random Facts About Michelle

1. She was born with a head full of hair.
It was beautiful. I loved to brush it and swipe it across her head.
Somehow, this angered the hair-gods and she slowly lost it, starting on her forehead and moving back. During these dark times I called her Ira because she looked like a little balding Jewish New Yorker. I don't know. It seemed funny at the time.

2. She looks just like her dad. She may have bit and pieces of me, and makes faces that look just like my dad, younger sister, and oldest niece, but she's a white version of her dad. Ok, a bald white version of her dad. Ok, a mini, female, bald, white version of her dad.
It's okay, I think he's pretty good-looking. And I think she's the cutest thing in the world.
But seriously, it's scary how much she looks like my husband.

3. She takes after me in temperament.
Patience? What's that?
And don't let her get hungry or tired...she gets grouchy. What can I say? We know what we want.

4. She has a birthmark that resembles a suspension bridge. It's the cutest mark I've ever seen on a body. Cindy Crawford, eat your heart out.

5. She's only eaten from a bottle once: on my graduation. Other than that, this kid drinks straight from the tap. Pretty impressive if I do say so myself. Now how do I get her to sleep without my breasts as a pacifier? Ah, the mysteries of motherhood.

xoxo, Jess

1 comment:

  1. I have never seen the birthmark, but I'm sure Cindy Crawford would be jealous if she saw it.
