Monday, October 3, 2011

Weight Gain

Being a healthy weight is something that's always on my mind. I'm just one of those people that eats right, but still carries a heavy load. The frustrating thing about this while pregnant, is that my problems will negatively  influence my baby's development. My baby is at risk for being overweight too, if my weight gain gets to be too much. Then, there's the risk of gestational diabetes on my part, which could make my baby way underweight! I know I'm overweight, and I think I technically drift over to the obese category every once in a while. Not to sound like a dick, but I while I'm overweight, I never think of myself as obese. It's a scary word, but apparently one I need to hear.

Based on my BMI, I shouldn't gain too much weight with this pregnancy. Really, it would healthiest if I gained 15 pounds. Only gaining this much means I need to lose some fat while I gain some fetus, which might be hard. I mean, if losing weight is so easy, don't ya think I would have lost some a long time ago? Well, either way I've started focusing on my weight and what I eat (pretty much like I always have) and we'll see what happens.

I'm scared to be that woman who gains a bunch of weight w/ my pregnancy, and then never loses any. I want to be healthy to promote a healthy lifestyle for my little bean. If I can barely lead a healthy lifestyle now, how will I do it when I have extra baby weight and a little one in tow? It's time to make a change. Hopefully a public declaration will keep me accountable.

1 comment:

  1. Prenatal yoga is good to keep you healthy during pregnancy. Drink lots of water and keep a positive attitude. For post-natal weight loss, breastfeeding is great! It burns about 500 calories a day if you bf exclusively.
