Monday, October 17, 2011


On Friday Michael and I had our first ultrasound (pic below)! It was so crazy, seeing our little Bean just fluttering about in his/her warm home. Bean's heart was beating so fast, and even though I had a wand up my cooter, it was the best morning I've ever had. My doctor is awesome. She told me that she likes to be hands on with her patients, so I am going to see her a lot during my pregnancy. I was actually expecting to see a midwife more. Hmm.

Bean measures kinda small, so even though my due date stays at May 31st, I have a feeling I'll deliver in early June. She said that according to my period and whatnot I am May 31, but if the baby measured smaller or bigger by ten days or less then we keep the same due date.

We're decided to opt out of the invasive testing like amnio and whatnot because we know we'll keep this baby regardless. That being said, we are going to do the blood work/ultrasound tests because we just wanna see the baby as much as we can. Haha. Oh! That reminds me! Michael's mom knows someone who does the 3D ultrasounds and we can see her for free and she will tell us the sex of the baby at 14-16 weeks!! That's a month earlier than most ppl can determine the sex. It's in only 2 months! I am excited for this last month to hurry up, because I'll be 12 weeks this time in November, and I want to be able to openly talk about my Bean without being cryptic or vague. I wanna tell my grandparents! I also can't wait for 12 weeks because then I will have more energy!