Thursday, March 6, 2014

Sewing Sewing Sewing

If there's one thing I've ever wanted to learn it's sewing. I've tried to learn so many times throughout my life, but I just can't sew a straight line for the life of me. Well, I had some ideas about the outfit I wanted Michelle to wear for her Elmo Birthday Party and I figured it was time to figure something out.
After pinning 1,000,000 things on Pinterest onto my sewing and Elmo party boards I decided it was time to tackle my project.
I ended up making Mish a fabric scrap tutu and some coordinating bows. It was my way of making her outfit but not having to pull out my sewing machine ;-) I know, cheater!
The one on the RIGHT is the party tutu. The left currently has more green and is for St Patty's Day


Top bow is on tutu, bottom is for hair, middle will have Elmo faces on them and get attached to the shoes!

The bows aren't finished because I'm waiting on my plastic Elmo faces to come in the mail, but once they're here, they will be ready to go on Mish's shoes. My mom also text me a picture of Elmo fabric she found at the store today, so I might add some of that to her tutu since the party isn't until June 7th.

Oh! And then I went totally random and made some fun (and adorable!) flower crowns. My family was thrilled.

Now you'll notice the title says "sewing sewing sewing" and not tying, hot gluing, and ripping. Lol. Well after making forty-eight million rag tutus for Michelle, her cousin, and 3 American Girl dolls, I decided to pull out my sewing machine and frustrate myself and waste fabric ;-)
I started easy and sewed some bedding for my niece's American Girl doll. It came out so cute! And then Michelle stole it, so I made another (better) one to give my niece.  I didn't take pics, but it's puffy and cute ;)

THEN I came across the freaking cutest vintage pillowcases while treasure hunting some thrift stores. I bought 6! One is going to my cousin for her adorable daughter's vintage themed bedroom that's in the works, two were sacrificed to a bow banner/garland I'm making (here's the inspiration), two are set aside for making half aprons (my new obsession) and one was made into a pillowcase dress for Michelle!

I am very very pleased with how it came out! It was such an easy and fun project to do.

So then I started thinking about other things I could sew. It was almost manic! What can I sew next? Does Charlie need a bow tie? I want to make a quilt! Wait, I can't sew straight lines and quilts are all about lines. I decided to use some ribbon and a cute pink tea towel to make Michelle a little apron to wear while playing with her kitchen. I had enough left over to make a mini half apron for Mish's play kitchen at her Nonna's house and got to try my hand at making pleats. It wasn't hard, but I think I did it wrong. Ha, oh well. Mish won't mind!

I can't wait to make some more goodies for Michelle and her Elmo party. I've made so many things with the Cricut cutter that I had to buy a new mat for it! haha, the old one completely lost its sticking abilities. So all of my fun with paper and glue will have to wait until the mats come in the mail (should be here this weekend!). I'll try and share some pics of what I have up my sleeve with the Elmo party soon. 

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