Saturday, March 14, 2015

Different Pregnancies

It's crazy how different, yet similar, both of my pregnancies have been. In general, I've had pretty easy-going pregnancies, but they've definitely been their own entities.

My first pregnancy felt so easy and relaxed. I was finishing up my senior year at UC Davis, running all over campus daily (seriously, I probably walked over 2 miles a day just between classes and whatnot), and coming home to get really good sleep. I ate amazingly, craved oranges like no other, and read every book I could get my hands on. I started out heavier, so I gained less weight, but had more problems like high blood pressure in my last few weeks (hopefully something I can avoid this time around).

This pregnancy is similar because it's been easy, but in a different sort of way. I don't have to run all over school or worry about homework this time, but I do have to keep up with an adventurous two-year-old who doesn't nap, and prefers sleeping in my bed over her own. I crave junk food more than fruits and veg, and my weight gain has been steady because I started out at a much smaller weight. I haven't dealt with high blood pressure, but I have been dealing with (what I think is) excessive estrogen because I've been ITCHY as hell.
Unlike my last pregnancy, I have barely read any of those "weekly updates" about the growth of the baby, and I haven't cracked open one maternity book. I just don't really have the time, nor the patience to reread things that I kinda remember.

I can't believe I have about a month (at least) until I get to meet Miss Noelle. I really don't feel ready - we don't have much done to welcome her home. This weekend we'll put her car seat in my Subaru, and hopefully get all of that newborn and 0-3 laundry washed and organized. Eep! Other than that, what does a newborn really need? Lol, maybe I should open a book on bringing home baby.

Thursday, March 5, 2015

34 Week Bump Update

So, I know it's been ages since I updated, but I was starting to feel like things were getting stale because there wasn't much to share. Then lately I've been dying to write in here, but I knew I needed to do a bump update first. I'll post some baby bump pics below my update!

How far along? 34 weeks

Total weight gain:  not exactly sure anymore! I have been writing it down, but I don't remember my starting weight anymore. Lol!

Maternity clothes? Yes, and I never really ended up buying more clothes because I never really leave the house, so I wear leggings most of the time. Haha :)

Stretch marks? One of the marks from last time is looking darker, so I think that counts as a new one.  

Sleep: Meh, not the best. I have weirdly sore ribs in the front and back on my right side, so sleep is kinda uncomfortable unless I'm flat on my back (which is a big no-no in the third trimester).   

Miss anything? Sleeping comfortably on my stomach, my skinny pre-pregnancy body that I won't have for at least another year, and energy!

Movement: All the time! Especially when Michael and Michelle read their bedtime stories.  

Food cravings: Junk food. I wish I didn't!! 

Anything making you queasy or sick: Not really :)

Gender: Still a GIRL! Noelle Emilia <3

Labor signs: Nope, but I have major braxton hicks all the time!

Symptoms: Exhaustion is back, along with being overly emotional (yay for Michael! lol)

Belly button in or out? In

Wedding rings on or off? On

Happy or moody most of the time: Happy, but easily weepy. 

Looking forward to: My baby "sprinkle" for Noey this weekend! My mother in law is throwing it for me and her side of the family :) I feel super nervous (I don't like being the center of attention), but really excited and touched that she and my sister-in-law went out of their way to throw me a shower. 

Milestones: Reached the third trimester and I got the nursery 90% done :) 

I am pretty sure I should have my hospital bag packed and all of Noey's clothes washed and folded. I don't. Lol. I have been super lazy lately, and along with allergies I'm basically only able to feed Michelle and complain. Haha! 
Here are some pics from the past few weeks!

25 weeks

27 weeks

30 weeks

33 weeks
34 weeks!

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Christmas 2014

Christmas morning was very eventful and fun! We woke Mish up to head downstairs for presents! This was the first year she really understood what Christmas was, and knew to expect presents :)

Santa brought her a cool big kid scooter! She immediately hopped on it and tried it out. How is my 2 year old already such a big kid? Waah!

Santa also brought her a stocking full of fun goodies, and Mama and Daddy gave her some fun presents too ;-)

After presents we drove over to my parents' house to exchange gifts with my family, and to have a delicious brunch. 

Mish and her cousin Izzy with Papa

The cousins with Grammy
After brunch and presents with my family, we drove into Napa to celebrate the holiday with my in-laws (we spend xmas eve with my parents, so it's two busy days back-to-back). 

My father in law is notorious for falling asleep during gatherings. Lol!

Me and my big old 24 week baby bump :) And yes, that is Michelle's VW van tent in the background. Her aunt got it for her for xmas. Lol! In fact, Mish was spoiled and got TONS of amazing gifts from both of our families. Is it normal to be jealous of a toddler?
Mish and her uncle Anthony had fun playing with the giant Jenga set that Michael and I made for my sister in law :) 

My mother in law made a huge delicious dinner. Manicotti, baked crab, and ham! Whoa baby! 

Kisses from mama <3

My handsome yeti <3

It was a great Christmas! We had fun celebrating and eating with our families :)

Friday, December 12, 2014

Celebration and Rants

Yesterday my younger sister announced that she is expecting a baby! And she's not that far behind me. Her due date is the same that Michelle's was (May 28th)! We are all over the moon for her. It will be nice for Noelle to have a cousin so close in age to her (about a month apart), just like Michelle has with her cousin Nichole. Her and her fiance are so excited!

To top off her great news, she's having the first boy in our family. 3 daughters, 5 granddaughters, and 1 grandson. Our immediate family is very excited to get a boy.

However, outside friends and family are being ridiculous and insensitive. My mom made a huge pronouncement on facebook and got about 30 comments - they all said stuff like "oh Papa will finally have his boy to spoil" and even my own grandparents said something about this baby being extra special. My "announcement" from my mom got 3 comments. Haha!
There's even talk of a fire truck baby shower. No mention of a shower for Noey (when I said this to my mom she said we can do a "diaper thing" if I want, but I can afford my own diapers). Maybe everyone forgot I'm also pregnant, and that Noey is special too. She will be about 1 month older than Ash's son.
I think every baby should be celebrated. Regardless of sex or who is having the baby.

Either way, Michael and I have enough love and excitement for Noelle, so we're not concerned about these random people. It's annoying, but we don't need anyone else cheering us on, we cheer ourselves on :)

My sister's baby deserves to be celebrated, not because he's a boy, but because he is a new member of our family, and that is a wonderful thing. Here's to baby boy, we can't wait to meet him! <3

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Some favorites

I recently took the memory card out of my camera and uploaded the pics to my computer. Some of the pics are from before Halloween! Lol. So, here's a mix of pics from my camera and iPhone that I LOVE!

Mish and her Aunt Rachael on Halloween

My new favorite picture!

I did this to a family portrait at my in-law's house for Thanksgiving. No one noticed Michael's new eyes. Lol

Monday, November 24, 2014

20 Week Bump Update

How far along? 20 weeks done, 20 weeks to go! I can't believe I'm halfway done!

Total weight gain:  5 lbs

Maternity clothes? Yes! And I'm actually on the hunt for more - I forgot that I didn't need much last time because I was plus-sized, lost weight, and was able to wear most of my clothes until I delivered Mish. Right now all of my jackets look so silly on my bump!

Stretch marks? Still only the ones from last time! But I bet I'll get more soon. 

Sleep: Good if I don't wake up, but if I do, I'm up for an hour or more. Lol. Insomnia!   

Miss anything? Sleeping comfortably on my stomach, my skinny pre-pregnancy body that I only got to enjoy for a few months (I lost 50 lbs), and Michael being able to come home at lunch. I miss seeing him a lot throughout the day <3

Movement: Yes! Especially in the evenings! She's a late bird for sure :) 

Food cravings: Ice cream, junk food, and cereal. Lol! I wish I craved veggies and fruit like I did when I was pregnant with Michelle. 

Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope! Same as always. Thankfully just the same old aversion to avocados and Chipotle.  

Gender: GIRL! Noelle Emilia <3

Labor signs: No.

Symptoms: Bouts of insomnia, cravings, and no period. Lol. That's a symptom, right? Ha!

Belly button in or out? In

Wedding rings on or off? On

Happy or moody most of the time: Happy!!

Looking forward to: My 20 week ultrasound in two days :) And, finishing the nursery and Mish's big girl room. It's slooooow progress, but going fine :) 

Milestones: Halfway mark! And Noelle's crib is set up :) 

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Happy Halloween!

We had a very fun Halloween here at the Bergman house! The weekend we found out Noelle is a girl, we went to my in-law's town to get pumpkins and decorate jack-o-lanterns. Michelle had fun running around the pumpkin patch and kissing piggy statues :)

All week long, Michelle was excited and talked about trick-or-treating. We decorated the house and wore our most festive Halloween gear.

The night of Halloween we walked around the block and then passed out candy to the kids in our neighborhood. We thought we'd get more kids, but we only got about 10-15 kids. I bought two bags of candy, but we used about 1/2 of one bag.

Mish was so excited and polite while trick-or-treating! Everyone thought she was the cutest Tinkerbell ever. I have to agree :)

Happy Halloween from us! Here's a flashback from our first Halloween with Michelle. Such a cute pumpkin <3

Week 17 Bump Update

How far along? 17 weeks, woot!

Total weight gain: No clue! But I'll find out on the 10th :) Although, I stepped on the scale at home and it looked lower than I thought it would be. I don't know where I started, so it's arbitrary at this point. 

Maternity clothes? Yep! I love them - so comfortable!

Stretch marks? Still only the ones from last time!

Sleep: Meh. Sometimes okay, but usually restless.  

Miss anything? Patience and control over my emotions. And cofffffeeeeee!

Movement: Yes! I feel her moving a lot. It's a nice comfort when I'm sitting still. 

Food cravings: Not really, nothing ever sounds good. I wish I had tons of cravings, then I wouldn't dread mealtimes. 

Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope! Same as always. Thankfully just the same old aversion to avocados and Chipotle.  

Gender: GIRL! Noelle Emilia <3

Labor signs: No.

Symptoms: Restless nights and mood swings :p 

Belly button in or out? In

Wedding rings on or off? On

Happy or moody most of the time: Happy with chances of psychotic meltdowns over nothing, and crying spells. Yay!

Looking forward to: Working on Noelle's nursery, and Michelle's big girl room.

Milestones: Finally having a real baby bump :) See pic abover ;-)

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Week 16 update and GENDER REVEAL!

I fail a updating my blog! Good thing no one reads it, that way I'm not letting anyone down ;-)

So, last weekend we found out the sex of the baby! I was so excited to find out, and Michelle's reaction was the best thing in the world. I won't spill the beans until after this bump update, because I'm evil. Actually, maybe I'll slip it it.

Mish is showing us, can you see? ;-)

How far along? 16 weeks! (As of Sunday; I'm SO late posting this!)

Total weight gain: No clue! But I'll find out on the 10th :)

Maternity clothes? Yep! I actually bought my second pair of maternity jeans this week because all of my other pants are too tight in the hips :(

Stretch marks? Still only the ones from last time!

Sleep: Not the best, but those few precious hours while Mish sleeps in her own bed are bliss. She's in and out of the bed depending on her mood. Lol. 

Miss anything? Patience (I'm very moody this week), and caffeine. I would kill for a warm mug of coffee.   

Movement: Yes, here and there! And actually I found out that I'm already having braxton hicks (early, just like my first pregnancy). Those sometimes catch me off guard and make me wonder if I'm feeling the baby move :) Thankfully they don't hurt!

Food cravings: Since I just ate dinner, I'm having trouble thinking of any cravings. Actually, my appetite is very low lately, so in general I don't have many cravings. My last week's craving has been satisfied because I made enchiladas this week, and I have had them for 3 meals in a row. Lol! 

Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope! Thankfully just the same old aversion to avocados and Chipotle.  

Gender: GIRL! Our sweet, second baby girl will be named Noelle Emilia <3 We are over the moon. When we found out at the ultrasound we said, "Michelle, did you hear that? The baby is a girl!" and she looked at us crooked and said "I know!" hahaha! She's been telling us since day 1 that the baby was a girl, and she knew. Lol! 
We got Noelle this when we found out :)

Labor signs: No.

Symptoms: Restless nights and mood swings :p 

Belly button in or out? In

Wedding rings on or off? On

Happy or moody most of the time: Happy with chances of psychotic meltdowns over nothing. Yay!

Looking forward to: Working on Noey's nursery and Halloween (tomorrow!) 

Milestones: Find out Noelle's sex, and cleaning the girl's rooms and starting to plan the nursery decor.

Friday, October 24, 2014

Lazy Days and Belly Laughs

I swear, this week has been such a wash because I've been so lazy and blah. Do you have days like those, random reader? The end of last week was very rough for me, so that sad mood persisted into this week. I'm not able to let things slide off my back as easily as I'd like. Hopefully with the news of Baby B's sex tomorrow, my mood will lift and I'll be back to normal. My kids make me happy. Little do they know just looking at them makes me feel happier, stronger, and purpose.

Just this week Michelle has made us laugh uncontrollably multiple times. She never ceases to make us laugh or smile. Here are two examples of things that she's done to make us laugh lately (according to my FB posts):

  • Michelle just said "I'm a pretty princess!" and Michael said "well, I'm a cowboy." She said "no you're not a cowboy! You're a boofa!" hahahahaha!!

  • I thought I was feeling the baby move, so I told Michelle. She ran over and put her finger in my belly button and said "tickle tickle tickle baby!" Hahaha!

Lol! Isn't she a crack up? Oh, ps, "boofa" is our family's word for fart. She also called Michael a "sneaky snook" yesterday, which is what the child-pirates call Captain Hook on Jake and The Neverland Pirates. Lol. Oh goodness. 

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Week 15 Bump Update

How far along? 15 weeks!

Total weight gain: No idea, I refuse to weigh myself outside of the doc's office. Lol

Maternity clothes? Yep! But actually, sometimes I don't wear them and I feel like a elephant squeezed into a bikini ;-)

Stretch marks? Still only the ones from last time!

Sleep: Eh, a little weird. I think I have insomnia? 

Miss anything? COFFEE, energy, and my patience with rude people. Lol.  

Movement: I think so! Last night I was feeling something funny and I announced it to Michael and Michelle. Mish ran right over and put her finger in my belly button and said "tickle tickle tickle baby!" hahaha!

Food cravings: My homemade bean enchiladas. I made some this week, but it just didn't fill the void. I need them again. Lol 

Anything making you queasy or sick: Weirdly enough, my favorite restaurant Chipotle :( 

Gender: No clue! BUT we find out on Saturday! AH!

Labor signs: No.

Symptoms: No idea because I have the worst allergies, so I'm sleepy, stuffy, and sore from that. But other than that I feel fine :) 

Belly button in or out? In

Wedding rings on or off? On

Happy or moody most of the time: Happy!

Looking forward to: Finding out the sex of the baby!!! Ah! SO SOON!

Milestones: Not crying once this week. Woot.

Thursday, October 16, 2014


Noelle Emilia Bergman & Samson Kaizo Bergman. Those are the name choices we've nailed down for our little Baby B. I am so anxious to find out the baby's sex! I want to know what to call my little baby! I want to get the nursery started, and I want Mish to get used to calling the baby by its name.

I don't really have much to say today, but I'm feeling antsy and my fingers are itching to type. I've been in a funk for a while, and I don't think I have much bubbly fun stuff to talk about. But I'm trying my best to pull myself out of this, so I figure I should get back into the swing of things in other ways.

No one reads this blog unless I advertise each individual post, so I think this will be a fine place to work out my crap :)

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

14 Week Pregnancy Update

Yep, I'm pregnant! I was nervous to come back to my blog because I knew I wouldn't be able to keep it a secret, and I didn't want to share the news too early (like I did on my side blog, then I had an early miscarriage and it just broke my heart). So I waited ages to start posting here, but I'm excited that the cat's out of the bag!

How far along? 14 weeks! Ah!!!

Total weight gain: 2 lbs

Maternity clothes? Yes. I technically don't need them, but my body shape is changing rapidly and they just feel so much better to wear. I started wearing them a few weeks ago.

Stretch marks? Only the ones from last time!

Sleep: It started out okay, but now it's getting a little weird. I wake up super early, and sometimes I'll randomly be up in the middle of the night for an hour. Thankfully Michelle is sleeping amazingly in her toddler bed (most nights, lol). 

Miss anything? COFFEE and caffeine! I can never just have one cup, so I try to avoid coffee altogether while pregnant. When Baby B is born, I am requesting a large cup of coffee to be at my bedside table ;-)  

Movement: None that I can be sure of. It's still probably too early.

Food cravings: Junk food and sweets. With Michelle I ate oranges like crazy, but this time I can't get enough sweets - I hate it! I always feel so gross these days because of my poor diet. 

Anything making you queasy or sick: Avocados have been getting to me since getting pregnant. If it's not 100% perfect it will make me gag. And my version of perfect is when the avocado is just ripe, so I've been avoiding them. Lol 

Gender: No clue! 

Labor signs: No.

Symptoms: Finally passed the exhaustion stage, but not passed the evil possession stage. I am very quick to cry or get angry, which sucks for Michael and Michelle. 

Belly button in or out? In

Wedding rings on or off? On

Happy or moody most of the time: Happy!

Looking forward to: Finding out the sex of the baby!!! Ah!

Milestones: Getting into the second trimester.