It's crazy how different, yet similar, both of my pregnancies have been. In general, I've had pretty easy-going pregnancies, but they've definitely been their own entities.
My first pregnancy felt so easy and relaxed. I was finishing up my senior year at UC Davis, running all over campus daily (seriously, I probably walked over 2 miles a day just between classes and whatnot), and coming home to get really good sleep. I ate amazingly, craved oranges like no other, and read every book I could get my hands on. I started out heavier, so I gained less weight, but had more problems like high blood pressure in my last few weeks (hopefully something I can avoid this time around).
This pregnancy is similar because it's been easy, but in a different sort of way. I don't have to run all over school or worry about homework this time, but I do have to keep up with an adventurous two-year-old who doesn't nap, and prefers sleeping in my bed over her own. I crave junk food more than fruits and veg, and my weight gain has been steady because I started out at a much smaller weight. I haven't dealt with high blood pressure, but I have been dealing with (what I think is) excessive estrogen because I've been ITCHY as hell.
Unlike my last pregnancy, I have barely read any of those "weekly updates" about the growth of the baby, and I haven't cracked open one maternity book. I just don't really have the time, nor the patience to reread things that I kinda remember.
I can't believe I have about a month (at least) until I get to meet Miss Noelle. I really don't feel ready - we don't have much done to welcome her home. This weekend we'll put her car seat in my Subaru, and hopefully get all of that newborn and 0-3 laundry washed and organized. Eep! Other than that, what does a newborn really need? Lol, maybe I should open a book on bringing home baby.
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