Thursday, October 16, 2014


Noelle Emilia Bergman & Samson Kaizo Bergman. Those are the name choices we've nailed down for our little Baby B. I am so anxious to find out the baby's sex! I want to know what to call my little baby! I want to get the nursery started, and I want Mish to get used to calling the baby by its name.

I don't really have much to say today, but I'm feeling antsy and my fingers are itching to type. I've been in a funk for a while, and I don't think I have much bubbly fun stuff to talk about. But I'm trying my best to pull myself out of this, so I figure I should get back into the swing of things in other ways.

No one reads this blog unless I advertise each individual post, so I think this will be a fine place to work out my crap :)

1 comment:

  1. Girl, your blogs are on my web "speed dial"! Lol.
    I love Noelle Emilia! That is adorable! Goes very nicely with Michelle Elizabeth too, same number of syllables even!
    Samson Kaizo is very much in line with the sound of Michael's name. Works really well together!
    :) :) :)
