Yesterday I ended up making an appointment with another doctor so I could get some answers. It ended up being with the chief of medicine for women's health in the Solano-Napa area. She checked me out (still 2 cm dilated and same effacement), and said that despite my BP being a little bit lower than normal, we still have to induce on Thursday. She told me that I won't need that catheter-bulb to open my cervix because it's already opening on its own. She said we'll probably start with pitocin (ew!), but I might be able to just have them break my water bag to see if my labor starts naturally. I really hope Labor and Delivery will let me have a say. Michael and I are really bummed that they're pushing this so hard (and it gets frustrating when friends/family tell us how bad it is and that we should fight it, because we
already know it), and it's confusing because they said I shouldn't go past 40 weeks, but a due date is a GUESS; it's an estimate. What's even more weird is that Michelle measured small in the beginning, so who knows if she is really due May 31. What if she is really due on the 4th? I think that every day she's in my womb is another day for her to develop to her full potential. Better lungs, better brain development...I dunno.
So today I'm going to do as much homework as I can, clean the house (bedding, sweeping, put away junk), and go grocery shopping. Tomorrow we're supposed to call L&D whenever we wake up (7 at the earliest) and head over whenever they say. It might be right away, and if they're busy it might be later in the day. Then we'll head over and la-de-da. I feel ridiculous, but I'm going to shower, straighten my hair, and put on makeup (waterproof, of course). Lol. Then we're bringing the iPad, DVDs, and speakers so we can stay entertained during the wait. I really hope my body kicks in and does its thang because more medical interventions are going to suck ass.
Well, if I'm going to get anything done I better get off here and get to work. My next blog might be about my labor! Eep!
Keep your fingers crossed for us! We're hoping our little lady is healthy, the labor goes well, and we get out of there safe and sound <3