Tuesday, May 29, 2012


I think with everything going on, I keep forgetting to stay positive. At the end of all of this drama, I get a beautiful little baby. That being said, here's an update.

Today I was supposed to meet with my Doc to discuss the induction, monitor my BP, and check my cervix. Well, she called in sick, so I'm seeing another Doc just to check my BP and cervix. I'm a little stressed about Thursday now. I don't know what to expect; will I be induced? If so, when? Where do I go? What time?
I have to remind myself to breatheeeeee because stressing will just raise my BP.

I feel bad about my venting blog from the other day. My mom really is supportive and helpful; I just needed to get everything off my chest.

So, Michelle has been extra active today and yesterday evening, but it feels REALLY different. I think she might be facing outside instead of facing my rear. I think I can feel her knees and feet kicking my belly. I hope she's not sunnyside-up, because that will cause hardcore back pain during labor. Also, I was so sure I was going to go into labor last night. I was having killer contractions last night, but they cooled down once I got into bed and rested. Ah! I just wish she'd come on her own; I don't want to induce. :(


  1. I have this idea that Michelle is just incredibly punctual. She wouldn't dream of getting out of bed early, but she doesn't want to be late... so shes taking her time getting ready for the official due date.

  2. Glad to hear your outlook is a bit better. Out loved ones get stressed when worried about the ones they love, and it might cause fights or whatnot. I can't imagine your mom being anything but supportive so your last post surprised me. It's such a stressful time waiting for a baby and that may cause friction. Everyone is just worried about you and the baby and we are all hoping for the best!
