So, I came across this list on a vlog channel that I like to watch weekly, and she did this June Favorites video. I thought to myself "Hey! This would make a good thing to try on my blog", so here's my first installment. I'm liking the questions that she answered, but I might switch some up over the coming months as I fill them out and see how relevant some are to my life.
I'm two days early, but I think I'll be too busy the next few days to write out a proper post.
1. Funniest Thing That Happened
- A few weeks ago Michelle woke up and immediately farted. I said "whoa boofa!" and she said "haha baby-boofa-butt!" and started laughing. Bahaha! Also, she's been adding "ia" to the end of everything so she sounds very Italian. Sounds like "Momia, Dadia, Auntia,". Which always has us laughing :)
2. Book(s) you read
-Seriously? None! I have been such a failure these past few months when it comes to reading. I've usually got a huge reading list and a book to cozy up with, but lately I've been so consumed with projects and plans with family that I haven't read anything. Boo. I would love suggestions for good reads though!
3. Shows/Movies you liked
-Ok this one is easy (lol, no time to read but there's always time for tv!). At the beginning of the month I was just finishing up a Dexter binge watch, but couldn't get myself to start the next season. I really liked Jula Stiles character, so I was bummed that she left. So, I caught up on the new season of Orphan Black (SO GOOD!), watched Modern Family reruns, and then stumbled upon Law & Order SVU. There are so many seasons - and there's no real "end" to each season, so it's easy to just continue watching the next episode. The only downside is that the content is dark (nothing too graphic, but the whole show is about some kind of sexual assault - including kids and elderly- so obviously it can be hard to watch).
4. Something you accomplished/made you proud
-After months of planning and prepping, I was so proud of the birthday party we threw for Michelle. It was fun, cute, and very successful. Mish had a blast and loved singing the Happy Birthday song with all of her friends and family <3
5. Foods you tried/loved
- I didn't really try anything new, but we did eat at a new restaurant in Yreka that was freaking delicious! They make the best veggie burgers and everyone there was very friendly. We also had some really good Brazilian food in Berkeley last weekend that was so good. I just got a salad, but it was so spicy and flavorful! We ended our meal with Dole Whips, which I've never had (I guess I have tried something new! Duh!) and it was SO good!
We also had AMAZING fried olives at Bistro Don Giovanni in Napa for our 10th anniversary. Yum. So much yum.
6. Song/Album you listened to most
- If we're talking in general, Mumford and Sons will top my list every month. I have their two cds in my car and they are always on. But other than my guys, I've been playing "Stay With Me" by Sam Smith and "All of Me" by John Legend a lot! Those songs just get me right in the heart, man. So good!
7. Youtuber/Blogger you enjoyed the most
-That would have to be Anna Saccone and The Saccone-Joly's. I follow a lot of really good vloggers and bloggers, but I love that family. They'd probably top my list every month too, so I'll just jot down my favorites in general (since this is my first monthly favorites blog).
- Runs For Cookies
- Refashionista
- Love Taza
- Merricks Art
- Anna Saccone (she also blogs!)
8. Health/Beauty product you used a lot
- Hahaha. Ok, so I fail at putting on makeup and doing my hair daily. I guess the thing I used the most would have to be my Sonicare toothbrush. It's pricey, but so worth it! Brushing with a regular brush is great and all, but this thing makes your teeth feel like their going to the spa everyday. Whiiirrrr
9. Favorite item you bought
-Uh oh. I spent too much money this month and we definitely felt it towards the end. My very favorite? Definitely our new panini press! I have been eating paninis and toasties like crazy, so it only made sense to buy one to save money. I also went crazy at the Victoria's Secret Semi Annual Sale. New bras and undies! I'm also really in love with the new rug I bought for our family room. It's so plush and pretty :)
10. Something you learned
-That my friend Wendy is having another GIRL! Such wonderful news! She already has one of each (Liam and Cambria), so adding another girl into the home sounds like heaven to me! Then again, I'm biased. ;-)
11. Goals for next month
- Get out more and/or go camping!! I mean, yes, to get out more is my top goal, but I've been dying to camp!
12. Something you're looking forward to
- 4th of July, my friend's Pinterest party, my 28th birthday, and (hopefully) camping!
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