Friday, August 16, 2013

Weight Loss Updates

I think my weightloss journey has been the weirdest thing in my life. While I'm elated that I'm losing weight consistently, I'm still eating junk and not exercising. I tell myself everyday that I need to start working out, but I can't motivate myself nor stay determined!
Eating right is easy, well..eating the correct amount of calories is easy. It's eating healthy, good-for-you food that is hard. Ice cream is just too tasty!!

Anyhoo, I'm down to 148.8 lbs. That's 33.3 lbs from when I started Sparkpeople, but 136 lbs from my normal weight resting place of 185. At one point (not counting pregnancy!) I was 191, so any loss is exciting for me :)
However, lately I've been having a hard time not binge eating. Thankfully it's not like it used to be - it's more over-eating than binge eating (HUGE difference) - but it's still got me worried about my mental space with my new lifestyle. I wish I could emulate the mindset that these fitspo blogs have. They revel in their exercise-based lifestyles and their new workouts. They push themselves hard and eat wonderfully. I, on the other hand, am losing weight through basic math (calories in versus calories out) which does nothing for my life, longevity, nor internal bodily functions. It's just helping me lose weight, which is still awesome! I want to be strong, lean, and healthy. Being skinny and flabby and dealing with health problems does not appeal to me. Here's an article I just read on being skinny yet unhealthy: click here.
My dilemma reminds me of an article (<- click there) I read last week. Maybe I shouldn't have blown off the author's thesis, because I fear I'm starting to hold myself to crazy standards. BUT, at the same time, I really do need to step up my game. By the way, I seriously recommend reading that article. :)

Ok, sorry for another rambling blog. Let's see, I lost weight, still losing more, want to eat better and workout, but health is the most important thing! Yay blog summaries!

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