What a weird way to start off a blog, eh? Well, we'll get to my angry popo in a bit. First, I'd like to share updated pictures of my baby bump! The first pic is a side view, and the second is looking straight at me. I was already curvy/plus sized before I got pregnant, so my shape from the front isn't any different than it was pre-pregnancy.
So, onto my angry cooter. See, my awesome bump may be small for someone my size, but that doesn't mean my kid is small, nor does it mean my stomach is soft and flabby. That thing is hard as a rock! It makes it super hard to bend over and tie my shoes, cuff my pants, and shave my darned lady bits!
Today I thought I'd be courteous to my beastly husband, and clean up the goods. I had a nice hot shower, and thought, "hmm, my legs and armpits sure could use a shave; poor Michael is married to a yeti!" so I went to town. At the last minute I thought, "ah, better attack the undercarriage too!". Mistake. Big mistake.
See, I can't see my hoohah without a mirror, and bending over really far hurts like a mother, so I blindly started attacking the growing sprouts of hair. I think you can guess where this is going. I cut myself!
To many of you, it's not that big of a deal, but to me it was a huge one. My poor vahjayjay is already going to get turned into an unrecognizable piece of meat in a few months, does it really need this horrid abuse now? I finally get 9.5 months of freshness, freedom from Aunt Flo, and doctors staying out of there, and then I abuse my lady friend with a dull razor and slippery conditioner. Next time, Michael is on shaving duty.
So, now that I've fully disgusted you, my dear reader, have a wonderful day...and treat your vagina right!
p.s. No shame here, I have no sense of modesty. Feel free to blast me. Mock away! ;-)
I love you! And I promise that "unrecognizable piece of meat" is *not* anything you need to worry about! My babes were both healthy (as in over 7 1/2 pounds) and delivered vaginally, and my lady parts-now that I've worked up the post-postpartum nerve to glance at them-don't look malformed at all. It's amazing how resilient our bodies are. So breathe deep and...let Michael shave next time! :)