Wednesday, November 9, 2011

The Bean has been spilled! :)

I spilled the beans on Bean! Bean is now a publicly acknowledged baby :) We were going to wait until Friday (Michael's bday and 11/11/11), but I just got this tingly urge to blab. Ah well, at least Michael's bday will be 100% about him, instead of sharing the attention with the baby. Lol.

I am so antsy for tomorrow to be OVER. I have a paper due, a midterm, and tons of chores to do so my weekend will be stress-free and I can focus on Michael's bday and Cassie's second baby shower. Yay for a fun weekend!!!

I am dying to go out and buy our baby's nursery furniture. Michael said we need to save up a little bit more money to get everything we want/need right now, but I'm anxious to get stuff set up while I have the time. We really want to have a monetary safety net for when the baby gets here, but there is so much to buy, and do to the house, before money will start going straight to the savings. Eep. I'm sure everyone worries about money when they're expecting a baby.

Tra la la, mommy is tired and needs a week long nap.


  1. Happy B-day to Michael! Raf's sister got married friday too, so it was just one big happy and eventful day!

    I'm sooo relieved that bean is spilled! It was tough trying not to accidentally say something on facebook or the like.

    As for stuff, have as many showers as you can! People love you guys and I'm sure baby stuff will come to you if you ask for it.

  2. Baby shopping is fun! You'll enjoy it soon enough.
