Sunday, September 25, 2011

Excitement, Appointments, and Diapers

So, I told my two closest friends about the baby! Cassie screamed when I told her!!! It feels really good to know that they are excited for us. I was worried that some people might say things like "already?" or whatnot..but we haven't heard that from our closest family and my two best friends. I am so happy. Michael's mom brought over a little newborn outfit for us last night! It was so sweet, and made me sure that we'll get any support or guidance we need from our families.

Also, after talking to Cassie, I called Kaiser and made my first prenatal appointment! It's in 19 days, and I don't know how I'll be able to wait! Just seeing that little heart beating will make this so much more real. Well, more real than just the exhaustion, peeing, and sore nipples I've been experiencing. Hah :)

This morning I splurged and started to add things to our wishlist, which will become our public registry when we announce the baby and my baby shower. We are going to cloth-diaper our little one, so I continued researching brands (we know we want to do GroVia, bumGenius, Charlie Banana and fitteds w/ covers) because I would like to have a mix of good diapers. Cassie said it's good to try out many things because sometimes different days/situations call for different diapers. We are also going to buy a pack or two of eco-friendly disposables for newborn poops and for Grandparent-fear of cloth. Haha. I have a little secret stash of baby stuff I've been collecting since we decided to start trying, and today I am adding two diapers I got for VERY cheap on ebay; and these are a brand I am excited to try: bumGenuis.

 Michael is so blah either way regarding diapers, so I'm sticking to exploring this new frontier on my own, and he can just use whichever I buy. The only thing he's said our baby needs (and I am 70% sure he's joking) is this; a Recaro car seat! Recaro is a racing seat, a really popular, nice brand, and they apparently make seats for babies. Um, this might look weird in my Saab. Michael's BMW used to have Recaro seats, but they were for smaller butts, and my hubby has a beautiful bubble butt that just couldn't fit.
Anyway, I'm sure Michael will get more into baby stuff when I have a huge belly (well, utuerus, I already have a pudgy belly) and he can feel the baby kicking. By then I'm sure I'll have 50% of our stuff done, but since he planned more of our wedding than me, I can't be upset. Michael is such a good man, I know he is going to be the BEST father. I am so lucky to have him.


  1. Jess, congrats on getting married and on having a baby!!:)I'm sooo happy for you and Mike!! im so happy everything is working out the way you guys planned!You two are going to be the most wonderful parents!! And if you guys ever need anything Jeff and I are just a phone call away!! ;)
    Luv Sessicamiff

  2. I've been through it too so you can always ask me for advice or just call me to complain. I can sympathize with you. :) Wish I was going to be here for the whole pregnancy but at least I'll get part of it. Hopefully we can come out sometime next spring/summer and see you after the little one is born. Love you, Jess!
