Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Christmas 2014

Christmas morning was very eventful and fun! We woke Mish up to head downstairs for presents! This was the first year she really understood what Christmas was, and knew to expect presents :)

Santa brought her a cool big kid scooter! She immediately hopped on it and tried it out. How is my 2 year old already such a big kid? Waah!

Santa also brought her a stocking full of fun goodies, and Mama and Daddy gave her some fun presents too ;-)

After presents we drove over to my parents' house to exchange gifts with my family, and to have a delicious brunch. 

Mish and her cousin Izzy with Papa

The cousins with Grammy
After brunch and presents with my family, we drove into Napa to celebrate the holiday with my in-laws (we spend xmas eve with my parents, so it's two busy days back-to-back). 

My father in law is notorious for falling asleep during gatherings. Lol!

Me and my big old 24 week baby bump :) And yes, that is Michelle's VW van tent in the background. Her aunt got it for her for xmas. Lol! In fact, Mish was spoiled and got TONS of amazing gifts from both of our families. Is it normal to be jealous of a toddler?
Mish and her uncle Anthony had fun playing with the giant Jenga set that Michael and I made for my sister in law :) 

My mother in law made a huge delicious dinner. Manicotti, baked crab, and ham! Whoa baby! 

Kisses from mama <3

My handsome yeti <3

It was a great Christmas! We had fun celebrating and eating with our families :)

Friday, December 12, 2014

Celebration and Rants

Yesterday my younger sister announced that she is expecting a baby! And she's not that far behind me. Her due date is the same that Michelle's was (May 28th)! We are all over the moon for her. It will be nice for Noelle to have a cousin so close in age to her (about a month apart), just like Michelle has with her cousin Nichole. Her and her fiance are so excited!

To top off her great news, she's having the first boy in our family. 3 daughters, 5 granddaughters, and 1 grandson. Our immediate family is very excited to get a boy.

However, outside friends and family are being ridiculous and insensitive. My mom made a huge pronouncement on facebook and got about 30 comments - they all said stuff like "oh Papa will finally have his boy to spoil" and even my own grandparents said something about this baby being extra special. My "announcement" from my mom got 3 comments. Haha!
There's even talk of a fire truck baby shower. No mention of a shower for Noey (when I said this to my mom she said we can do a "diaper thing" if I want, but I can afford my own diapers). Maybe everyone forgot I'm also pregnant, and that Noey is special too. She will be about 1 month older than Ash's son.
I think every baby should be celebrated. Regardless of sex or who is having the baby.

Either way, Michael and I have enough love and excitement for Noelle, so we're not concerned about these random people. It's annoying, but we don't need anyone else cheering us on, we cheer ourselves on :)

My sister's baby deserves to be celebrated, not because he's a boy, but because he is a new member of our family, and that is a wonderful thing. Here's to baby boy, we can't wait to meet him! <3

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Some favorites

I recently took the memory card out of my camera and uploaded the pics to my computer. Some of the pics are from before Halloween! Lol. So, here's a mix of pics from my camera and iPhone that I LOVE!

Mish and her Aunt Rachael on Halloween

My new favorite picture!

I did this to a family portrait at my in-law's house for Thanksgiving. No one noticed Michael's new eyes. Lol