She is obsessed with Elmo! She calls him Coco, and demands to read her Elmo books every night with Daddy, and plays with her special Elmo for the car. Because of this, her 2nd birthday party is going to be Elmo themed!
Still loves bringing her baby doll everywhere and got a bathtub, stroller, and chair for "Baby" for xmas. ;-)
She loves to dance, and does something we call "rage dances" where she scrunches up her face and starts going crazy. Haha! It's so cute!
Still nursing like a champ - no end in sight. But we are down to nursing only in the morning, nap time, and bedtime. I see molars coming in, so who knows if that will change!
She's super vocal and speaks more and more every day. She even sings! She especially likes Ellie Goulding, which is hilarious because I only have two of her songs downloaded, and her favorite song is only played on a commercial. Lol!
Loves watching football with daddy and does a special touchdown stance :)
Is obsessed with purses and bags. She loves backpacks, clutches, wallets, and more. If she sees a bag, she puts it on her arm or over her shoulder and walks off with a cute little sway to her hips.
Is there a way to slow down time?