Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Happy 3rd of July!

What better way to kick off my favorite month, than a holiday to celebrate our country! 4th of July has always held a special place in my heart because of the great memories I had growing up. I'm from a small town that used to go big on the 4th (not so much now due to the economy and whatnot) so I always make sure to go back for their teeny parade (my dad usually drives a fire truck in it) and small "carnival". Michael thinks it's a joke, and maybe he'e right, but I can't get myself to go anywhere else! We'll see how tomorrow plays out, but we're definitely going to the parade and stopping by the small fair. Maybe we'll watch the fireworks in our town, maybe we'll drive into the city.

My nails are extra excited! 

On other big news, we're planning a trip to Southern California for fun and relaxation. I've only ever been down there to go to Disneyland, and once on a road trip with my sisters (we went to Santa Monica and Hollywood), so I'm not sure what to plan for. I know we want to hit up a gourmet food truck, go to Venice Beach, San Diego (and do who knows what), and the LA fashion district, but I'd love ideas for fun trips and cool things to do/see.
This trip will be the first time we fly with Michelle, so we're nervous about how she'll handle a plane. It's only an hour and 15 minutes of flying, so hopefully it is a breeze. This trip will be our test run for when we go to Mexico this winter.
She's ready to travel!

Lately Michelle has been calling her daddy "Mike" and yelling his name through the house. We think it's hilarious! She *really* loves that guy - and so do I!

Monday, July 1, 2013

Goodbye June, Hello July!

I cannot believe June is already done and gone! After having such a busy winter, this summer and the lazy days we've been having just snuck past me.
I blinked, and my baby went from an infant to a 13 month old. Crazy!
I thought I'd share a list of highlights from this lazy crazy month.

June highlights:

  • This picture. 

  • Michelle's 1st birthday! 

My beautiful ONE year old!
    • Yes! The highlight of the month was Michelle's one year anniversary of life on this wonderful planet. Our gorgeous little bean grew into a big girl this month. I swear she grows into a kid more and more each day. Soon she'll be talking all the time and running! Speaking of which...
  •  Mish started WALKING!
Walking/playing in a pool with the K kids!
    • Our little rascal decided to start walking after her first birthday party! And our lives have never felt busier or crazier since then! She wants to walk in stores, outside, and all over the house. She also decided to start climbing everything; including the couch, stairs, boxes, and tables. Can you imagine how scary it is to see your baby just standing on the couch!?
  • Giants game 

    • I know I already posted about the Giant's game, but it was really fun! A highlight of the month! So above is a cute pic of my baseball fans being silly :)
  • Michael and I celebrated 9 years together! 

Flowers Michael bought me for our anniversary. Coincidentally, they're our high school colors. Go Crushers!
    • That's right! *Nine* years together. We started dating in June of 2004 right out of high school, and never looked back. I knew I was going to marry him after the first time we kissed. A girl knows these things. 
  • Max's 3rd birthday

    • My best friend's son Max - 1/2 of the K kids, and the future husband of my little bean (sorry Mish, we arranged it before your birth. I gave them a goat, they promised me land for our's all in writing. Lol) - turned THREE! Time really does fly when you're having fun, and the K family knows how to have fun! We went to their house for a pool party/all around fun day. Mish loved playing with her friends! Mackenzie (the other 1/2 of the K kids) fed Michelle, and gave her kisses! Of course Cassie and I were ecstatic because we've been calling them best friends since before we even had daughters! Our imaginary future daughters were going to be best friends no matter what, so fate intervened :)
Two generations of besties :)

June was pretty good, but July is my FAVORITE month, so I hope these  next 4/5 weeks are going to be awesome!