As productive as I hope to be this March will be, is as lazy as we were in February. February seemed to drag by, but then I blinked and it was already over! I did not have the busiest of months, and was in quite a funk for a while. We did have fun going to the wedding of our friends Heather and Andrew, then spending the next day in San Francisco, exploring and staying away from tourist attractions. Michelle had fun when we went to the Wave Organ - It was cold and windy and she laughed as we shivered. Lol. We also started our backyard renewal project, but more on that in a bit.
Michael and Me at Heather and Andrew's Wedding! |
Enjoying the Bay |
The highlight of this bland month was Michelle learning to army crawl! She's been pushing and pulling herself with all of her might to get where she wants to go. It's really inspired me to be better.
Weightloss and better running skills come with training and practice. If its important, it's worth working for. Michelle thinks rubber duckies and random wooden blocks are worth it, so my health should be worth it to me!
Learning to Crawl |
Mish is getting so big! I can't believe she's 9 months old! She's inquisitive, funny, and so silly. I can't wait to learn what those constant babbles mean, because I'm sure she has some crazy ideas in that brain of hers :)
Our Little Valentine |
So about that Backyard Renewal Project! When we moved into our current home, we just sort of dropped our things and started living; we didn't repaint or customize the house to suit our needs. Well, flash forward almost 3 years, and we've finally decided to rip out the horrible backyard we have, and start anew! First thing to go was the old broken hot tub.
It ended up being a huge gross job for Michael and our BFF Jeff, but they were amazing and got it all done. Jessica (Jeff's wife and one of my besties) helped watch Mish and lazed with me all day. We couldn't help with the hot tub because it was previously infested with RATS (they left when we moved in with a dog and two cats) and they left behind tons of toxic poop.
Removing the Hot Tub |
Next, we started landscaping and getting quotes to get the stamped concrete in our yard removed. The previous owners hated greenery or something, so paved over the HUGE yard with concrete. Not ideal for a growing family. Looks like we'll be ripping it out within a week or so (Friday!)!
All of the Stamped Concrete is Going Away |
I started landscaping by removing a broken old tree (which was sad because it still has life; it's just slowly dying), and clearing out weeds and bark for our vegetable garden. Our dog Charlie thinks any bit of dirt in the yard is fair popping territory, so I had lots of cleaning to do. I am 80% done, and I'd like to finish up this week!
Removing a Dying Tree |
I am so excited about starting this garden! I have plans set and a lot of work to do, but it's going to be worth it!
Sorry for the rambling post; I'll be back with more Backyard Renewal Project news soon!