Saturday, May 17, 2014

Late Spring Post

For St. Patty's day Michael and I made the BEST Reuben sandiwches! Mine was vegetarian, but it was still ridiculously good! Mmm. 
Mish wore her green rag skirt that I made, along with cute matching green hair accessories. I was feeling festive this year ;-)

For Easter weekend we spent a lot of time with family. On Saturday we went out to my parents' small town for an Easter egg hunt! Mish had fun collecting eggs but was so scared of the Easter bunny! It was so sad to see how afraid she was, but the faces she made were so funny.

After the hunt we went to my parents' house to play with their chicks! My parents have a chicken coop and just got a new little set of chickens. Mish loved looking at them but did NOT like holding them! Haha.

Mish, Grammie and the chick
 The next day, Easter Sunday, we had my in-laws over for Easter fun. It was a really nice day!

Easter Egg Hunt

Wearing a hat like Uncle!

Blowing bubbles with Uncle Ant and Auntie Rachael

Here's a pic of Michael and his siblings. They're all ridiculously good-looking, which is annoying for us normal folk. Lol

And here's a pic of their whole family, plus my little Michelle :)

It really was a happy Easter!

Friday, May 16, 2014

Blogging Fail!

I fail! I haven't updated my blog in 3 months! I kind of had my feelings hurt when someone I care about told me that she won't read my blog, and I sort of thought, "well, no one else is either, so why waste my time?"
But then I was thinking about it, and I realized that I started this blog in the first place as a personal log to track my pregnancy, newly married life, and fun adventures in being a new mom.

So, I will try my hardest to update more, and to not share updates when I post my blog. If someone wants to follow along, then great! But I need to remember that I write this blog for me :) No point in getting upset that someone doesn't want to follow along.


Life has been very routine these past few months. We've just been driving home on weekends and coming back to Y during the week. The weekends are usually jam-packed with appointments, to-do-lists, and meet-ups. The week days are boring, almost like we just live the bare minimum until the weekends, then we go full-force.

Our house in the Bay Area had a termite scare, which ended up just being water rot above our sliding glass door. I say "only" because termites would have been a disaster, but this water rot is actually a big mess. We are taking the door out tomorrow and putting in french doors! In anticipation for the re-do, I got excited to start re-designing our living room. I painted the walls, bought some new decor, and re-did a really nice coffee table (which I'll post about soon).
The room looks great, but it'll finally be done after this weekend; which is great, because Michelle's 2nd birthday party is going to be in 3 weeks! We definitely are working against the clock, but I think we'll get it done. I'm staying in the Bay this week, so I will have 10 days to do everything I need.

So here's my quick update! Sorry blog, I shouldn't have abandoned you. <3